5ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Κιλκίς
Τα νέα του Σχολείου μας
For our actions for sustainability and climate change we decited that pupils should experience our local countryside and forest. So D', E' and F' classes visited St George hill forest to do programmed actions. We separαted in 3 groups for the first part.
D' class: "Little cavemen" project. They visited the Cave and learn about the prehistorical findings there and also the microclimate and the possible therapeutic qualities of the atmosphere in the cave.
Climat Change is our main goal for our Eco-schools project this school year. Sustainability and environmental friendly behaviour is always a purpose of our actions, so we planned a sally to Mother Nature in November to learn something by experience.
A', B' and C' classes visited a farm in the countryside to learn about farm animals and traditionally excecuted agriculture. The kids had the opportunity to see and also to do, so they learn by experience and they enjoyed nature by playing old games and doing some horseback riding and carriage rides.